Club Council Members

President                         Adrian ( El Pollo Negro)

Vice President                Jason (J-Hova)

Pit Crew Boss                  Fonzie

Secretary                          N/A

Social Media                   N/A

Head of Street (LA)      N/A

Head of Street (IE)        N/A

Head of Recruitment  Eric

Club PR Rep                      Brandon

Club Photographer      Johnny (Bear)

                   IMMAC Bylaws

  • Any car can join the car club (imports, domestic, muscle, classic, Bikes, off road, low low's and luxury )
  • Must finish probation before stickers are awarded (can be sooner with members approval).
  • Probation, is 3 months and 6 events. After probation is completed side stickers are awarded. (Basic White is given, but sticker colors may very after)
  • Probationary Period, is 6 months for any Council Member Position. (May choose to keep or drop position) 
  • Street Member Sticker, must have at least 3 mods done to the car and have done shows or cruise night events for side window sticker with members approval. 
  • Windshield Sticker, must have several major mods done to the car and must due shows for front window sticker with members approval. (Street Members can get Windshield sticker with club approval)
  • Rear Windshield Sticker, this is given to the support vehicles in the car club, also needs President approval. Only one small sticker will be given per car.
  • T-Shirts, can be purchased at any time after first meeting has been completed. (Color may Very)
  • Dickies Shirt, must attend most meetings and do all major shows with the club and with members approval. (Dickies must be in BLACK, stitching color is silver but may very with approval) 
  • IMMAC Plaque, must do an out of state show but must have Dickies shirt before petitioning and must have members approval. A plaque recipient will be considered a life member of IMMAC.(May not petition for plaque on the same year Dickies Shirt is received) 
  • President, duties include but not limited to over seeing the Show Team and all positions when they are not being filled or not present at shows. Also decides on what shows will be mandatory and what shows will be optional. May reserve the right to Veto any decision club makes (within reason).
  • Vice President, duties include but not limited to helping the President fulfill his duties and keep track of council members and Show Team. Makes all shirt orders, Dickies Shirts and Immac Plaque's.
  • Pit Crew Boss, duties include but not limited to keeping track of all the members without cars at shows or events organized, making sure Probies are cleaning their cars and Show Team is organized and ready to be judged. Must be willing to go the extra mile to make sure that most cars can go to shows or events.
  • Secretary, duties include but not limited to keeping track of the meetings and attendance. Keeps  track of the Probies and their Probation Period. Keeps track of who's going to shows and or events. Also keeps track of shirt orders for the Vice President/President to make. 
  • Social Media, duties include but not limited to keeping track of the meetings, keeping track of show themes  and posting pictures of cars and events the club is participating in. Making sure members and sponsors are being represented in a positive manner.
  • Head of Street, duties include but not limited to keeping track of all street members and Probies.
  • Club Photographer, duties include taking pictures of Club Cars at shows and or events. Duties may be limited due to availability and or weather conditions.
  • PR Representative, duties include but not limited to scheduling photo shoots, organizing special events, keeping track of show themes  and making sure sponsors are being represented in a positive manner.  
  • Council (Head)Members, duties include taking care of the Car Club as best as humanly possible. Positions can be accepted by the individual with council approval or removed with council approval. Council Positions can be voted on at the beginning or at the end of the year at the All Heads Meeting. Council Members may ask for a leave of absence if due to work or family restrictions.  (Probation will take effect once Member accepts Council Position) 
  • Street Members, are members that are not show ready but are working for their side stickers and all cars must be clean and presentable.
  • Show Members, are members that attend shows and have done their requirements for their windshield sticker and must attend a minimum of 5 shows in a season . ( President will announce)
  • IMMAC Disclaimer, Immaculate Stylz Car Club is not responsible for any damages or loss of property. We do our best to take utmost care of our members cars at shows or events and their property. IMMAC's understand that the general public will be attending the shows and extra care is to be taken to prevent damage or loss of property. For the most part a member will always stay behind to secure the safety of the vehicles..
  •  No Fees are required to join the club at this time but you do pay for your own stickers and apparel.